2023 Year in Review: Celebrating 10 Years with Growth & Connection


Over here at Fletcher Rhodes, we are celebrating 10 years of being in business, and this year has been one of the biggest years for learning and evolution we’ve experienced yet. The world is not the same as it was three years ago, and I’m not the same - a mother to two teenagers now. Parenting is different.

Business ownership is different too, and I have had to make big, necessary moves this year, including learning when to say “no” to certain people and projects that are not in alignment with where Fletcher Rhodes is headed.

It’s exciting, exhilarating, and sometimes pretty exhausting. But I cannot imagine a life where I’m not able to be creative and do this work every day that I love.

Coast to Coast: Works in Progress

As a team, we focused on a bundle of projects in the works such as: a new build on the Big Island of Hawaii (Hawaii Traditional Build), our ongoing new construction project Healdsburg Modern Build, a fun Victorian modern remodel SF Color Pop, and a remodel we just installed and cannot wait to share, Calle Hill. And we wrapped up our pop up shop, The FR Collection.


Healdsburg Modern Build

SF Color Pop


Design Tribe Time

I took advantage of a few opportunities to reconnect with my design tribe this year. We took a design trip to vintage mecca Round Top, Texas at the start of the year. Over the summer, I met up with Chelsea of Olive + Rose studio for a little Santa Barbara design tour. I took a much-needed creative break at Alex Cole’ & Meghan Marsh King’s Forage Retreat in the fall, and got to dash off to the gorgeous Korakia Palm Springs for a weekend mini-break. It was all enormously rejuvenating for me and my creativity.

A Year of Personal Growth

Personally, what have I learned in 2023 that I will take with me in 2024?

x  release negative energy and people 
+ slowing down
+ finding gratitude in simple things
+ proud of the way I invested in my health and fitness
+ epic time with my design tribe (you know who you are)
+ leaning into the 1:1 time with my 2 teens (I know time is fleeting!)

Big change and massive growth can be so hard. But it's always worth it.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

xo Emily